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Year 3

Welcome to Dahl Class

Miss E Johnston
Class 3 Teacher

In Year 3, the children transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. The topics are designed to ensure that the children are engaged and interested, whilst allowing them to explore and investigate. Learners’ will be challenged to build upon their key stage one skills in order to prepare them for the rigorous teaching and learning throughout the second stage of primary school. Expectations are very high, in order for each child to achieve their best across every aspect of the curriculum. The children will be challenged in order to extend their knowledge and understanding, allowing the basic skills to be embedded and become the foundations for Key Stage 2.

Home Learning


Please find activities and information by following the Third Space Learning link. This is a website with step by step videos and worksheets (which you can print or just have a go at on paper whilst looking at them on the screen) You may want to look at other areas of the website too with your child. Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using standard methods would be good to practice.

MyMaths – Weekly Maths homework is set here. Children all have their log ons. If you need these reissuing, please contact the office.

White Rose Maths have published some fantastic free online Maths resources – remember that it is good to find it challenging as this means that you are learning! Write down your answers, draw diagrams and show your workings!


The children love Free Writing and Pobble 365 has a new writing stimulus every day! There are sentence starters and prompts with each sentence.  Please encourage them to practice their handwriting skills whenever they are writing – the Letter Join website is available to support handwriting practice.

Choose a video clip from the Literacy Shed to get your creative juices flowing! Please email any poems, stories, letters, songs or anything that you write to the school office.

Please encourage your child to practice their handwriting skills whenever they are writing – the Letter-join website is available to support handwriting practice.

You can also access all the other website links within the ‘Supporting Learning‘ area of this website under ‘Useful links’. Let your child find out about and learn within an area they are interested in/a subject they enjoy or have a talent for e.g. Geography and mapwork/digital maps or History and a particular period of time that your child is interested in.

Your child can spend time learning all Year 3 and 4 spellings and checking that they know them.

The most valuable thing your child can do is read! Read whatever they are interested in and talk about what they read. Read together and with siblings or to younger siblings.


This illustrator is incredible and has come up with some fantastic videos to teach you how to draw just like him!
