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Year 2

Welcome to Brown Class

Mrs J Jobbings
Class 2 Teacher
Mrs L Washington
Class 2 Teacher

As the children at Lyminster move into Year Two, our aim is for them to become more independent and responsible for their own learning, whilst still feeling secure enough to take risks and challenge themselves. Whilst the style of teaching and learning does become more formal in Year Two, the emphasis is still very much on creativity and exploration, and this is reflected in the broad range of topics and activities that the children will experience. We still have time for independent learning where the children can access the different areas in the classroom to learn through play and self initiated exploration.

Towards the end of the year, the children will be taking part in end of Key Stage SATs, and whilst they will be well prepared, these are very informal, and the intention is that the children hardly even know they are happening! The children will leave Year Two as confident, engaged young learners looking forward to the challenges of Key Stage Two!

In Year Two our class author is Anthony Browne, it would be lovely if you could share some of his stories at home, there are lots in our class library for the children to choose from. I hope you enjoy reading them together.

Home Learning


The class are all working towards earning their Maths Magicians wristbands. They are really engaging with this and are very proud when they earn their next band. The children begin by working on number bonds to 10, 20, 100 and our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Practising these at home will help them progress, each time they move to the next band they will get a practise sheet sent home.

There are also some great maths games they can play at Third Space Maths Hub and Topmarks Maths

Learning through play is vital for this age group, it gives them the opportunity to learn in a non-formal way which helps them realise learning can be fun.


The children love Free Writing and Pobble 365 has a new writing stimulus every day! There are sentence starters and prompts with each sentence and your children already use these in the classroom each week. Please email me any work the children do or share it on our twitter page. I will be sure to reward them at school for their hard work.

Please encourage your child to practice their handwriting skills whenever they are writing – the Letter-join website is available to support handwriting practice.

You can also access all the other website links within the ‘Supporting Learning‘ area of this website under ‘Useful links’. Let your child find out about and learn within an area they are interested in/a subject they enjoy or have a talent for e.g. Geography and mapwork/digital maps or History and a particular period of time that your child is interested in.

BBC Bitesize has great videos games and activities for all areas of the Key Stage 1 curriculum.

Your child can spend time revising all Year 1 and 2 common exception words which we are practising in our spelling. It is really useful if the not only practise spelling the word but also start using them in written sentences to show that they understand their meaning.

The most valuable thing your child can do is read! Read whatever they are interested in and talk about what they read. Read together and with siblings or to younger siblings. Try to access fiction, non-fiction and poetry. It is great for your child’s reading and vocabulary to be read things which are above a level they could read independently.


Visit this website for some great instructional videos to help the children learn to draw different things.

Don’t forget how important board games are for learning strategies, counting, taking turns and learning how to be a ‘good’ loser or gracious winner. Pen and paper games like hangman and noughts and crosses are also helpful. We play hangman phonics in class, they really enjoy this and I am sure they would love teaching you my twist on the classic game.
