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Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural

We value and respect the spiritual and emotional well-being of every child in Lyminster School. We aim to inspire pupils and encourage a mindset within our pupils that they can aspire and achieve through the belief of our key values of confidence, community and love of learning.

Within SMSC development we aim for the pupils to be individuals who are creative, compassionate to others, and have a strong sense of their own spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical understanding.

When the pupils leave our school we aim for our pupils to be confident, caring, respectful and forward thinking responsible members of society.


Farewell to Tom

The staff and children at Lyminster said a sad farewell to our friend, Reverend Tom Robson, who is also our ink to All Saint’s Church. Tom has supported Lyminster for the last 6 years and has taken many Christingle and Easter Services. He has also attended many Lyminster Easter Breakfasts and judged many Easter Bonnett competitions!

We wish Tom well for his future plans and we look forward to meeting our new Reverend from All Saint’s Church.

Religious Education

Our Early Years curriculum focuses on ‘Understanding of the World’, including ‘People in the Community’ and ‘The World’. Children in Reception find out about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions. In Key Stage 1 and 2 we aim to ensure that all pupils can describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices, recognising the diversity which exists within and between communities. In addition to this we encourage the pupils to identify, investigate and respond to questions posed by sources of wisdom found in religions and world views.

To enhance their understanding we ask the pupils to explain reasonably their ideas about how beliefs, practices and forms of expression influence individuals and communities. We link our aims for RE to our school aims of Confidence, Community and of Love of Learning, as well as the values we share as a Rights Respecting School. We ensure the pupils are able to articulate beliefs, values and commitments and explain reasons why they may be important in their own and other people’s lives.

As part of our current R.E. curriculum we ask the big questions at the beginning of a topic. We encourage the pupils to question, explore and research different world faiths inspiring them to lead their own learning. To make the curriculum engaging we invite visitors in to teach the pupils in an engaging way. This year we have experienced:

  • Bollywood dancing; when the pupils learnt a dance and key facts about Diwali.
  • Diwali workshop
  • Visitors for World Faith Day – when all the pupils were given the opportunity to explore and ask their own questions to find out more about three world faiths in one day: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
  • Regular visits to the local church in our community to share three key dates in the Christian calendar: Harvest, Christingle and Easter.

Understanding Christianity

To enhance our current R.E. curriculum, follow the Jigsaw resource ‘Understanding Christianity’ to deliver a deeper understanding of Christianity as a world faith within our school. This resource helps pupils to understand and explore how Christian belief and practice are shaped, makes connections with other areas of belief and understanding, and encourages reflection, evaluation and application. 

RE Subject Ladder


Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education

At Lyminster Primary School, we believe that  Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) has a positive influence on the ethos, learning and relationships in the school and therefore receives the full commitment of the school community as a whole.

The areas included in PSHCE are: Self Esteem, Sex and Relationship Education, Drug Education, Personal Safety, Relationships and Healthy Lifestyles. These relate to the broader areas of our school life such as Spiritual and Moral development, our Values through being a Rights Respecting School, Equal Opportunities, Behaviour Management, Health and Safety as well as the Healthy Schools Initiative. 

We aim that through the PSHCE curriculum our pupils will:

  • Develop self-confidence and self-responsibility                                                       
  • Develop a safe and healthy life style
  • Develop the ability to form good relationships                                                         
  • Have opportunities to consider issues which may affect their own lives and the lives of others
  • Learn to respect and value the differences between people                                     
  • Prepare to play an active role as citizens

Our aim is to deliver the key outcomes listed in Every Child Matters: Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy and Achieve. Make a positive contribution, Achieve economic wellbeing.


Food Tasting for Chartwells!

The Rights Respecting Ambassadors were asked to take part in food tasting for Chartwell’s new menu. The children were very adventurous trying new foods and reviewed their meals on a questionnaire. Their next step could be testing foods from Masterchef!

Rights Respecting School

UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award seeks to put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s ethos and culture to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.’  

 Each week in school there is an assembly all about the children’s rights in accordance with UNICEF and the Rights Respecting School Award. Each week there is a clear focus that supports the implementation of articles that pupils are able to discuss in class. The articles that are shared are taken directly from the 42 articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

To ensure the pupils are able to continue to learn about their rights and as we cannot be in school at the moment, each week there will be a different focus/article on this page. There will also be a PowerPoint to share as a family and for children to continue to learn about their rights. 

If you choose to complete any creative work from the PowerPoint, please share on the RRSA Facebook community group, on Twitter using hashtag #RRSA and @LyminsterSchool.
