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At Lyminster Primary School, music gives children an opportunity to develop the three key values of the school: confidence, community and love of learning. Musicians of all abilities are taught to develop their skills through singing and playing instruments in order to have the confidence to perform in front of an audience. In Reception and Key Stage One, musical experiences are very much embedded into the daily life of the children in the classroom. Whether through singing songs and chanting rhymes in rhythmic patterns or moving and responding to recorded music, our intention is that children understand and respond to music physically before learning the more technical skills and vocabulary associated with musical learning. In Key Stage Two, children’s musical skills are developed further as they learn to play tuned instruments and use this knowledge to write their own music. They also develop a knowledge of a range of styles and genres of music from across the world and from different times. Our music lessons throughout the school are taught through Kapow, an online scheme of fun and engaging music lessons which exposes the children to a huge and rich range of musical genres and experiences.

There are many opportunities throughout the children’s day to listen to, and discuss a range of music, developing their own opinion and understanding this may be different to others (article 12 UNCRC).

Performing is developing through the many whole school opportunities and also within their own classrooms. Performances such as the Harvest festival, Nativity, Christmas concert, and much more provide brilliant opportunities for the children to show off their skills. As we move on through the year and the children become more confident in their musical abilities, they will then be experimenting with composing and creating their very own masterpieces! This might be in the form of an instrumental piece or their very own song or rap. We want the children to leave year 6 feeling empowered to create their own music and have a sense of identity as a musician.

Christmas Carolling

Our choir this year have had a brilliant time learning and performing a range of Christmas songs for our performances this year. They had the opportunity to perform alongside other choirs from local schools at two concerts in Littlehampton and Arundel Cathedral. It was lovely to see the choir back up and running with so many brilliant performances to get us started.


There was a brilliant display of voices at the Key Stage 1 Nativity this year. All the classes were able to show how they had been developing their pitch and tempo in music lessons as well as projecting their voices.

Carol Concert

This year our carol concert contained a range of musical performances including a showcase of recorder music from Years 5 and 6. The children had been working hard over the half term to read the notation and interpret this on their instruments, as well as challenging themselves even more to learn different parts in groups. Years 3 and 4 also showed off their musical skills by performing songs that involved changing their volume and tempo mid-song. The children enjoyed taking a leading role in deciding their songs and practising them and were very proud of their performance.
